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}else if(required(dd_occupa, 'dd_occupa', '', '', '', '')){ $('#personal_details_msg').html("ERROR: Please, select your occupation."); }else if(!dd_gender){ $('#personal_details_msg').html("ERROR: Please, select your gender."); }else if(!dd_mstatus1){ $('#personal_details_msg').html("ERROR: Please, select marital status."); }else{ $('#personal_details_msg').html(""); //todo on valid form alert('Personal Details Fine'); } //End Personal Details Validation }); //Contact Details Validation ///////////////////////////// $('#save_contact_details').click(function(){ var lphone = $('#lphone').val(); var gsm = $('#gsm').val(); var femail = $('#femail').val(); var fax = $('#fax').val(); var comm_addr = $('input[name=comm_addr]:checked', '#frm_quote').val(); var address1 = $('#address1').val(); var postaddr1 = $('#postaddr1').val(); if(required(lphone, 'lphone', '', '', '', '')){ $('#contact_details_msg').html("ERROR: Type your home number"); }else if(plainNumber(lphone, 'lphone', '', '', '', '')){ $('#contact_details_msg').html("ERROR: Type a valid home number"); 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return; } if(!dd_premfrq_a){ $('#coverage_details_msg').html("ERROR: Choose Contribution Payment Pattern"); return; } if((annual_prem_a == '__o__') && (required(annual_prem_b, 'annual_prem_b', '', '', '', ''))){ $('#coverage_details_msg').html("ERROR: Type Annual Contribution"); return; } if((plainRawNumber(annual_prem_b, 'annual_prem_b', '', '', '', ''))){ $('#coverage_details_msg').html("ERROR: Type Valid Annual Contribution"); return; } if((paymode == '__o__') && (required(paymode_b, 'paymode_b', '', '', '', ''))){ $('#coverage_details_msg').html("ERROR: Type Contribution Payment"); return; } if((required(init_contrib, 'init_contrib', '', '', '', ''))){ $('#coverage_details_msg').html("ERROR: Type Initial Contribution"); return; } if((plainRawNumber(init_contrib, 'init_contrib', '', '', '', ''))){ $('#coverage_details_msg').html("ERROR: Type Valid Initial Contribution"); return; } $('#coverage_details_msg').html(""); //todo on valid form alert('Coverage Details Fine'); }); //End Coverage Details Validation ////////// /* TABS */ ////////// $( "#users_tab" ).tabs(); 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proc_console(iesurl + "iesmain.php?targ=login&op=&act=", logindata); } }, error: function(request, status, error) { //alert(request.responseText); $('#login_msg').html("LOGIN ERROR: Please, Try Again."); } }) } else if($json.expired == "true"){ //alert('Password Has Expired!:-)'); change_expired_password_blocker(); } else{ $('#login_msg').html("" + $json.msg + ""); } }, error: function(request, status, error) { //alert(request.responseText); $('#login_msg').html("LOGIN ERROR: Please, Try Again."); } }) } else { $('#login_msg').html("ERROR: Please, Enter Your Password."); $form.loginpass.focus(); } } else { $('#login_msg').html("ERROR: Please, Enter Your Login ID."); $form.loginid.focus(); } }, $submit_access = function(){ alert("yes"); } $securityquest_save = function($form) { var savok = true; var checkAllArguments = function() { var len = arguments.length; var obj; if(len == 0) { return true; } else { if(arguments[0] == null) { return false; } else { obj = arguments[0]; } } for(var i=1; i" + $json.msg + ""); $form.action = iesurl + "iesmain.php?targ=login&op=&act="; $form.submit(); } else{ $('#login_msg').html("" + $json.msg + ""); } }, error: function(request, status, error) { $('#login_msg').html("" + $json.msg + ""); } }); } }, $security_auth = function($form) { // Init. var $qcode = $form.qcode.value, $qresp = $form.qresponse.value; $userid = $form.userid.value; //alert($qresp+' '+$qcode+' '+$userid); if ($qcode != "") { if ($qresp != "") { // Assigning values back to form $form.qcode.value = $qcode; $form.qresponse.value = $qresp; $form.userid.value = $userid; $.ajax({ url: "prelogin_utils/switch.php", type: "GET", data: {'opt':'sec_auth','userid':$userid,'id':$qcode,'pass':$qresp}, dataType: "json", success: function($json) { if($json.status == "true") { //change_expired_password_blocker(); $('#login_msg').html("" + $json.msg + ""); $form.action = iesurl + "iesmain.php?targ=login&op=&act="; $form.submit(); } else{ $('#login_msg').html("" + $json.msg + ""); } }, error: function(request, status, error) { //alert(request.responseText); $('#login_msg').html("LOGIN ERROR: Please, Try Again."); } }) } else { $('#login_msg').html("ERROR: Please, Enter Your Security Answer."); $form.loginpass.focus(); } } else { $('#login_msg').html("ERROR: Unable to generate Security Question."); $form.loginid.focus(); } }, $chg_password = function($form){ var oldpass = $form.oldpassword.value, newpass = $form.newpassword.value, confirmpass= $form.confirmpass.value, $url = "change_pass.php"; if (oldpass == "") { alert("Please Enter Your Old Password"); oldpass.focus(); } else if (newpass.value == "") { alert("Please Enter Your New Password"); newpass.focus(); } else if (confirmpass.value == "") { alert("Please Re-Enter Your New Password"); confirmpass.focus(); } else if (newpass != confirmpass) { alert("Inconsistency in new password ...\n Please Re-Enter New Password"); confirmpass.focus(); } $conf = confirm('Please Confirm Password Change Request'); if($conf){ $.ajax({ url: $url, type: "POST", data: { 'act' : 'pwsave', 'oldpwd' : oldpass, 'newpwd' : newpass, 'newpwd2' : confirmpass, 'ajaxRec' : "true" }, dataType: "json", success: function($json) { if($json.status == "true") { //$('#login_msg').html("" + $json.msg + ""); alert($json.msg); //login_blocker(); interface_close(); } else{ $('#password_msg').html("" + $json.msg + ""); } }, error: function(request, status, error) { $('#password_msg').html("" + $json.msg + ""); } }); } } $get_access = function($form, $mode, $quicksignup, $id) { //Check Button State var activatedelement = $('#' + $id); var currentClassName = $(activatedelement).attr('class'); if (currentClassName.indexOf('dim__X__123') == -1){ // Init. if(!$quicksignup){ var $chk_agtbro = (($form.chk_agtbro.checked) || ($form.chk_agtbro.value == 'checked')) ? 'checked': '', $chk_staff = (($form.chk_staff.checked) || ($form.chk_staff.value == 'checked')) ? 'checked': '', $chk_client = (($form.chk_client.checked) || ($form.chk_client.value == 'checked')) ? 'checked': '', $chk_mgt = (($form.chk_mgt.checked) || ($form.chk_mgt.value == 'checked')) ? 'checked': '', $ccompany = $form.ccompany.value; } var $csurname = $form.csurname.value, $cothname = $form.cothname.value, $cemail = $form.cemail.value, $cgsm = $form.cgsm.value, $url = "prelogin_utils/switch.php"; // User Type (At least one must be selected) if (($chk_agtbro == '') && ($chk_staff == '') && ($chk_client == '') && ($chk_mgt == '')) { $('#access_msg').html("ERROR: Please, Select at least, one User Type."); return false; } // Surname (Must not be empty) else if ($csurname == '') { $('#access_msg').html("ERROR: Please, Enter Your Surname."); $form.csurname.focus(); return false; } // Other Names (Must not be empty) else if ($cothname == '') { $('#access_msg').html("ERROR: Please, Enter Your Other Names."); $form.cothname.focus(); return false; } // Email (Must not be empty) else if ($cemail == '') { $('#access_msg').html("ERROR: Please, Enter Your Email Address."); $form.cemail.focus(); return false; } // Phone (Must not be empty) else if ($cgsm == '') { $('#access_msg').html("ERROR: Please, Enter Your Phone Number."); $form.cgsm.focus(); return false; } //Deactivate btn $(activatedelement).addClass('dim__X__123'); // Company (Set a defaul value if it is empty) if ($ccompany == '') { $ccompany = '- -'; } //Client Quick Sign Up if($quicksignup){ $chk_agtbro == ''; $chk_staff == ''; $chk_client == 'checked'; $chk_mgt == ''; $url = "prelogin_utils/quicklogin_processor.php"; $act = 'testrequest' } $.ajax({ url: $url, type: "POST", data: { 'act' : 'testrequest', 'cb_client' : $chk_client, 'cb_agency' : '', 'cb_staff' : '', 'cb_manage' : '', 'csurname' : $csurname, 'cothname' : $cothname, 'ccompany' : '', 'cemail' : $cemail, 'cgsm' : $cgsm, 'requestid' : '', 'txt_message' : 'Save my details', 'subjectm' : '' }, dataType: "html", success: function($html) { //todo code on success: $(activatedelement).removeClass('dim__X__123'); product_blocker(blocker_title,blocker_calculatorfile); }, error: function(request, status, error) { //alert(request.responseText); $(activatedelement).removeClass('dim__X__123'); $('#access').html("ACCESS ERROR: Please, Try Again."); } }); } }; var $generate_client = function ($dob, $id){ //Check button state var activatedelement = $('#' + $id); var currentClassName = $(activatedelement).attr('class'); if (currentClassName.indexOf('dim__X__123') == -1){ $(activatedelement).addClass('dim__X__123'); if($dob != "" || $dob.replace(/\s+/g, ' ') == ' '){ var url = "prelogin_utils/generateuser.php"; $.ajax({ url: url, type: "GET", data: { 'gen':'1', 'dbirth': $dob }, dataType: "html", success: function(html) { //On success successful_client(); }, error: function(request, status, error) { //On Error } }); } } return false; }